One Million Burning

light a candle

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One Million Burning was founded on Good Friday 2013, by Emily Isaacson, international humanitarian, as a grassroots movement in response to fluorescent lighting.

One Million Burning acknowledges that the health risks of fluorescent lighting outweigh their benefits, and they pose a significant risk to the environment according to research. Even power-smart bulbs, as a fluorescent source of light can be detrimental to human health and the environment.

The Wild Lily Institute is focused on drawing members to our One Million Burning site in the millions. We encourage everyone to try full-spectrum light bulbs and notice the difference for themselves. The difference in concentration, eye fatigue, eye strain, and painful headaches cannot be matched. Students, take note. Full spectrum lighting will sell you for its benefits in studying, reading, and writing.


alt     Would you like to be a part?

Light a candle for One Million Burning and join our facebook group!  Tell a friend. Make your imprint on the earth.

Wax, soy, paraffin, beeswax... with candles the possibilities are endless.

With full-spectrum, the colour is limitless.

Look around our website--we would encourage you to read the research for yourself. 

When we are one, we are one million burning. . .